Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Thursday Red Jammer Day

We waited for our Jammer while we looked at Lake MacDonald from the lodge.  Things could be Much Worse. :) 

This is my Joshy smiling because the top is off the Jammer.  It was a rainy day and so we were super sad that the top had to be on.  The driver, Dick, decided to take the top off until the weather turned. We were thrilled 

Our view through the empty top.  I love the trees in the wind.

The water levels were so low, it's just sad and scary.  They said it's the lowest water levels on record. 

This is what I got when I asked them to "smile nice" -- I guess I will stop asking.

From the Going To The Sun Road, overlooking the valley.  

Josh asked for this specific shot -- red jammer at an angle, everything.  

Luke needed a warmer shirt than what we packed, so he got this nice new Glacier Park sweatshirt.  He's pretty proud of it, if you can't tell by his puffed out chest.

These children will not smile. Darn them. 

taking it all in...

And then he noticed that Mike was taking pictures, so then we got silly faces.

Maybe this was the pose Josh requested...
Logan Pass was cold and windy!  It was 45 with whipping wind...we were only outside for about 15 minutes and we were frozen!

See the chilly posture with shoulders all tensed up?  We still wanted to look for mountain goats and take in the views from on top of the world.

From Logan Pass. Freezing to death.

The obligatory family picture...freezing to death in a busy parking lot.

Or was it this one? We just know he volunteered to stand in from to front Jammer a lot!

Luke wanted in on the action too.
Why not just us two too? 

Bird Woman Falls is just a sliver of water.

We stopped at this beautiful pool of blue water, caused by the Glacier Flour we learned, and just had to pose as the boys asked.

And then we posed like mommy wanted.
Dad's a good sport too.

And before we knew it, we were back at the camper sitting around the fire.  I can't believe Josh wanted to sit on my lap. I'll take it! 

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