Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday Means Mickey

Magic Kingdom at sunrise. Already there were a lot of people, but it was nothing like what the afternoon as like. 

This is our pre-parks smile.  Fresh as daisies. 

Look at this -- Josh voluntarily posed with his arm around Luke and he smiled.  What kind of Magic is in this Magic Kingdom? 

These guys had their first Mickey ice cream before 9 AM.  Hard core. 
Our second ride was Buzz Lightyear, with serious shooting. 
Grampa's tongue cracks me up.  Luke looks a little freaked out, but he said he loved it. 

Jr and I were in one car...and he maxed out the points. What a stud.

After Buzz, Mike and I went to Space Mountain while the kids and grandparents went to Stitch's Adventure. We met in the gift shop, obviously, and  Luke found his souvenir hat.  How very fitting!  Earlier when we were talking about souvenirs, he said he wanted a tall hat so he could keep things under it.  Of course. 

We rode Thunder Mountain Railroad and Splash Moutnain, and the boys thought it was funny that Brer Rabbit means Brother Rabbit.  Brothers together here. 

Splash Mountain was a huge hit, as predicted.  We only had four fast passes, so we all six stood in line and rode it first. 

And after lunch the four of us rode it. Josh and Mike posed cool, but you can't see Josh's hand. He's doing the pose Mike is doing. 
After that ride we found Josh's souvenir hat.  This is very fitting. 

After several more rides, checking in to the motel and wandering around at City Walk, we decided to have dinner at NBA City, Josh's first choice.  It was super cool, much to our surprised delight.  

Luke liked it because he got to design his own jersey.  He called his team the Acerbatic Gators ( I think....)

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