Sunday, December 7, 2014

All Christmas All the Time

The Boys are in All Christmas, All The Time Mode.   They spend hours with toy catalogs intently planning what to ask Santa for. 
Luke's method is "cast a wide net" -- he circles entire pages at a time.  
He's been rocking this santa hat to school for a week now.  

And we are reading Christmas books at night. This picture is so random, but so funny to me. He asked me to take his picture while he did a funny thing....this is what I got.  
We got a 10' tree this year, and since we alternate years of which kid puts the star on the tree, this is Luke's year to put the star on the tallest Christmas tree we've ever let a kid top.  He's proud.

I call this the Money Shot.

You can see how happy Luke feels.
Josh was photobombing and Luke was not happy about it.  

He does kind of steal the show...

I know this is clearly out of chronological order, but I wanted the sawing pictures at the bottom of the post. So here.
Luke was a tremendous helper with the tree.  He helped haul it in from the truck, and was not about to let Daddy do all the sawing. He was not quite strong enough to do it alone, but he was on fire when Daddy helped him. 

Getting into it...

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