Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fort Builder

Josh and Luke have been building forts like crazy lately.  Gramma Harley is a terrific fort builder, and an amazing "collaption" fixer.  When the blankets fall in, they holler "COLLAPTION!!!"
 and Gramma Harley fixes it for them.
This is their latest/current masterpiece in the play room.

Date Day with Luke

Josh and daddy went to set up hunting camp on Saturday, and Luke and I had a magical date day.  We went to the Museum of the Rockies, to A&W for lunch, to Arts on Fire, to order his birthday cake and home for a nap before we went to dinner and church together. It was all what Luke wanted to do, and I loved it.  I should have taken better (and more!) pictures, but this is what I remembered to take.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Chef Lukey

We got this chef uniform for our resident chef-in-training.  Luke's a fantastic cook and really appreciates food more than many adults we know.

We made chocolate dipped donut holes this week -- they were inspired by a magazine ad showing these looking like acorns, but we put our spin on them and made Christmas-y balls.

Saturday Luke asked to bake a cake on our Traeger smoker -- turns out it was delicious.  He specifically requested funfetti and chocolate frosting, how can that be bad?

Our week in pictures

Ruby was a sick little puppy this week/weekend, and we took her to the vet.  Turns out she has a bacterial infection (we think), and she's on the mend.

In the meantime, Luke helped nurse her to health.

She slept a lot for a few days. I think there's few things cuter than a sleeping puppy or sleeping child.


I love pictures of her next to objects because she's so small.

A few days this week she was feeling like a spunky puppy, and thought that she should grab this giant stick.
She's still a great little hustler and comes to her name really well.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ruby Sue

Saturday was a big day for Team Jenkins. We gained a team mate.  Ruby, the 8 week old golden retriever.
Ruby was one of nine puppies...chaos
She was the best at "come" -- she really hustles.

We had three females to pick from, but Ruby was a clear stand out. :)
We couldn't really put her down, she's just too cute.


Sunday we got her a name tag -- it's huge on her!
She ran about 6 miles in our back yard last night. With Josh by her side for most of that!

Ruby was thrilled in our back yard. She found so many fun things to tug on and chew on and roll around with.
I love that she's not as big as the Frisbee!
Josh is her favorite team member right now.  He is so good to her, and they have similar energy levels.

She's so calm with him.

They're peas in a  pod, I tell ya!




This is the first Champ-Ruby meeting.  Champ was NOT impressed. Look how fluffed up she is in this picture.



I'm glad that Champ has been de-clawed, because other wise Ruby would be a scratched up mess.  There was a lot of swatting in our house.
And Champ decided to lie in Ruby's kennel, just to show her who's boss.