Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First day of 2nd grade and preK

My boys.  Oh how I love these boys.

What would a family picture be without a Silly Pose shot.  I like that Josh's silly face is a LOT like his regular "Please don't take a picture" face.
He has such a nice smile, too.

Momma and her boys

The prerequisite first day of school in front of our tree picture.

Little extra swag with the backpack over his shoulder.

I think the backpack deserved a close up. Josh loves this backpack. 

We did this pose when he walked to the bus for Kindergarten, and I like it now to measure how tall he's getting.  He clearly thinks I'm a dork.

Last but not least, our sweet Lukey is a Little Falcon now. The daycare he goes to has a preK room and he's all about it.  I love this crazy smiling, hulk shirt with twisty shorts wearing dude.   

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