Friday, November 9, 2012


We had the most fun outside in our big snow this afternoon!  We were only outside for about 15 minutes because it was COLD out, but we had a good time in those 15 minutes. 
Josh just had to be the first one down the slide! 

This is Luke's normal route up the playset, and he was thrown for a loop when it was too slippery to climb up. 

He found a way up, and loved going down the slide!


This was the goal -- land in a puff of snow!

Luke, our King Of Eating, trying out some of this fresh snow.

He quickly decided to build something, but the snow was too deep. He decided to blow off the snow, like daddy did to the driveway. 

Then he decided his arm should be a snowplow

We found some tools, and he quickly hung them up for next time. My OCD heart nearly exploded.

Such a happy little boy!

Snow angel alert!

By the time we went inside I didn't have two sons, I had two frozen puppies.  

And we promptly enjoyed (see look at that happy face) our hot chocolate!

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