Sunday, August 26, 2012


HOOT HOOT !  Hilerie and I ran the Livingston Night Owl race on Friday night.  It was 4 miles long and started at 7 PM. Prizes were awarded for best costume, and in my opinion Hilerie got robbed!

Crossing the finish line!  So happy to be done, so happy to be running together, so happy to have another tu-tu clad race in the books. 
Rebecca joined us, though we didn't end up running it with her, we still had to have a trio picture .  

Saturday we broke away from the anniversary party to run in the BozeMonster muddy run.  It was fun - 3 miles with 11 obstacles. Look how clean we are! 
This is the after shot.  Rebecca was such a fun trio partner. I love this because you can't tell we have striped socks on.  I loved this race and this day!  Doing a belly slide (like I was heading for home base) into a mud trough was one of my favorite things I've ever done. 

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