Monday, July 16, 2012

Are we there yet?

My dad found these chairs at a garage sale (or something...who knows with him) and refinished them.  They're so cute, just the right size  for the boys. 
On our way back home on Sunday we stopped at the Kerr Dam because we heard it was putting out a lot of water and we wanted to see. 

Sure enough, it's cranking out water. 


When we finally got home, after 6 hours in the car watching movies together, the boys decided to plop down and watch more TV.  Crazy kids. 

And one more random picture. We were home for about an hour and then headed up for Sunday dinner at the Harleys.  We asked the boys if they wanted to wear a hat, and Luke emphatically said yes. Then he picked out these three and wore them to the Harley's house.  he's such a silly boy.

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