Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sledding with the Ryles

The four kids huffin it up the hill. Ady, Josh, Gabe and Luke had such a great time sledding on Saturday!

He's intense

He has a complete disregard for his body and his safety. He figured out a winning technique for the races with Gabe. Josh would either run a few steps then jump head first onto the sled, or just flip down on it --similar to how I imagine the first step of bungee jumping would be -- and haul butt down the hill.

But look how much fun he had.

Luke LOVED sledding. He told me over and over again that Sledding is Awesome!  (or more accurately, thledding ith othome.)

He makes me happy.

This is a three-way race. In this race, Gabe was either spinning out of control or chose to ride backward.  Both are likely.  A big fat thanks to the Ryles family for going sledding on a fun Saturday, and for bringing a camera!

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