Sunday, June 30, 2013

Our Boys

I love these boys.  They were watching snails on a stump, and their collusion just made me happy.  

Remember two winters ago when Josh cut his eye sledding?  This was the hill.  Our tough boy still has a scar.
To refresh your memory...this is the moment after the sledding incident. 

Hunting Shooting Jeeping

We took the jeep up the road a ways to find a place for Luke to shoot his brand new bb gun. He got his very own -- big big day! I think if the Jeep had feelings, it would have been very happy.  It had fishing poles, 3 guns, 1 bow, 2 arrows, a target (bungeed to the front bumper!), and lunch in a cooler. 

We found a cool place to shoot. Josh was great at shooting. 

Josh the marksman.

His form is incredible.

I love this stance..

Josh is teaching Luke how to load the bb gun.  I loved watching the brothers like this. 

Luke with his Grizzly.  He was so happy and proud. 

Luke got brave and shot the (loud) 22 with daddy's help.

Rat Lake (aka Frog Pond)

Have tackle box, will fish. Josh is ready to slay some fish at Rat Lake.  (Our campground was super close to Rat Lake, so we decided to hike up there to fishing.)
The boys fished a bit, but it was kind of the middle of the day and so we didn't catch any.  

Luke was casting his Ugly Stick Jr really well! 

Josh caught several frogs on this trip.  We counted 12 different catches, probably at least 6 different frogs.  He was so sneaky!  He said he likes catching frogs even better than catching fish.  Incredible. 

Run little guy, run!
Luke was really good at spotting frogs...even when they are camouflaged like this one! 

Josh found a stick with egg sacs on it.  Cool! 

Camping at Spire Rock Campground

Our campsite at Spire Rock Campground, up Storm Castle Creek, was so cool
We loved this rock for the kids to climb up, for daddy to collect firewood, and for scenery.  The canyon was awesome for shade and protection from wind.
Luke was the best wood cutting helper!  Look at him holding the tree part...and he even stacked them up after daddy cut them.  

Luke decided to set up a wood shop -- these are some of the pieces he had for sale.  Josh really took it to the next level, he created for sale signs and price tags.  They were an awesome team!

Princess Champella?

We broke down and bought Champ a monster of a scratching post.  She loves it. The kids love watching how high she can climb.

This is her new favorite spot in the house.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Josh's Baseball Pictures

Look at that gap toothed smile. Awww

His stats make me smile.  4'3" is an awesome height!

What a goof!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Birthday to JOSH

Luke helped us decorate for Josh's fantastic minecraft themed party for his7th birthday party.  We had several friends come over, and even  the cousins from Butte.  Thanks so much for coming over! 

We had fun planning the decorations, so I'm putting up a bunch of  pictures of our handiwork.  

Blow out the candle! 
We had black rice krispie treats -- coal -- and it turned everyone's tongues (and fingers/faces) black.
We had a scavenger hunt that scoured our back park and our front park, and ended with a bounty of diamonds. :) 
Our next game was a minecraft version of hot potato -- with a paper box full of licorice (TNT).  Luke won!
Josh got a lot of great gifts (thank you all so much!) and he smiled this sweet smile every time.  
See? Isn't that a sweet little smile?

Sunday, June 9, 2013


After spending his First Grade year as a Tiger Cub Scout, Josh is now a Bear Cub Scout.  
This is serious stuff. 

This blurry picture is showing him collecting his badges from the whole pack leader.  He was thrilled. 

Adventures in eating

We have been eating on the run a lot lately, but we did have two fun meals to speak of. 

He loves the creepy crawlies!

now that is a good boil!  So good and so spicy!

Luke ordered a perfect food last week -- macaroni and cheese pizza.  The boys were beside themselves with joy.

Our First Lemonade Stand

Josh set up his first lemonade stand on Saturday. His first sign said "joos, $50, gumys $50" and someone must have told him that was we have lemonad 50 and gummys 50"

He clearly was optimistic about how many customers he expected. 

He was quite orderly about things.


As I look back at the slim pickings of photos
for the week I asked my self what the heck have we been doing?  Well, between tee ball and baseball, our free time has been in the backyard sprucing things up.  Here's what we've been doing...

The flower garden...complete with vintage construction toy. And note the lovely stained fence.  Done and done.

my garden with a watering post...

and a tree ring