Monday, November 27, 2017

Hunting Camp 2017

Hunting camp! 
Hunting camp this year was in the same general area, but in a nicer camp spot.  We found the flattest, least icy area for the tent.  We only had to shovel a bit to get it dry enough. 
We set up the tent, started a fire, and then went to find fire wood.  This is what we came back to -- a lot of water!  It was a muddy pit for a long time.  

We went up the hill to get firewood, and it was very slippery since all the ice was melting on top of thick ice.  We  chained up, which was a first for 3 of us! 

Quicksilver looks nice all chained up!

We found a honey hole with four nice dead trees very close to each other.  This is Josh hauling his tree down. 

And Luke with his.  

This is our bounty!  And to think, this didn't even last all week! 
This was our Thanksgiving Feast, only on Wednesday night.  We even had rolls, and a pecan pie for dessert. 

It was so warm in the tent (still trying to dry the dirt), the boys didn't even need shirts. 

Ruby found the only dry spot in the tent to rest. 

Thursday morning we got some wood that was already cut but needed to be split.  The boys had fun  showing us how tough they are. 

Love their faces
The boys want to call their bedroom at the cabin The Bucks Nest.  I think that's so cute since Josh and Daddy have been hunting up here a few times.  

Thursday before I left we went to go shoot guns.  We found a cool irrigation watering hole type thing that was good to shoot off of.  

Josh was a bit too tall for the stand we had. 

Ruby was much more comfortable when I let her up onto Grampa's bed.  She felt like she belonged here. 

Thursday after I left, the boys took a hike up the hill across from camp. Love this picture of my little hunters with the camp in the background. 

Cockleburr city!! 

This is the boys doing dishes in the river.  They even fought over who could wash the dishes! 

Friday night they had company!  Gavin from work and his son Bryce who is Josh's class spent the night and got a taste of the 31 Life. 

After I went home, Luke got Grampa's Bed.  He looks so cozy! 

More shooting! 

This is a .45 shell stuck in the target.  Nice shot, Josh!

I can't stop laughing at these pictures...couldn't choose a favorite. 


Where did WHO go? 

So tough!

Muddy boots hanging from the roof poles.  This was a familiar sight. 

Luke dealing 31.  

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Taco Tuesday

Hilerie gave Luke this awesome taco holder for an early birthday present. He LOVES it! 
A close up of the awesomeness. 

Tuesday was a very chill day...I was in my onesie by dinner time.  

Hilerie also gave Luke some Star Wars themed T-shirts.  He wore this one first.  Verde.  Your lack of thirst disturbs me. 

Friday I went to Luke's classroom so we could make puppets of animals.  Luke made a spider with 8 eyes and 8 legs. 

Friday night we watched the 30 for 30 episode on Rick Flair.  This is Luke learning the Figure Four move.  We have been yelling WOOOOO all the time around our house. 
Saturday was Cat Griz.  Big day. The boy on the left is Bryce, his dad works for Barnard and he's in one of Josh's classes.  These kids are just too cool. 

Saturday night Kyler spent the night.  These boys are snug as bugs in rugs...watching Legally Blond on the floor. : )

Sunday we took the Jeep to storage.  This is sad to me...summer fun is locked up for a while now. 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Choir Concert, Fat Lip, and Sledding!

Monday night our mighty hunter made his own marinade for the deer back straps.  They were delicious! 

Tuesday we had my favorite icicle I've ever seen at our house.  

Tuesday was the Middle School Choir's fall concert.  Josh is in the second row from the bottom, third from the right.  Red tie.  He LOVES choir, but still looks pretty tortured during his performances. 

This was taken after a terrific performance! 

He's growing up so fast!

Thursday morning Josh fell off his bike on some ice.  (He rides his bike to school every day, and was hoping to have a streak for the entire year...)
Poor guy busted both of his lips, and scraped his skin too.  

Day 2 was the worst. Swollen, sore face.  
Friday night we had a wrestling match at the house.  Josh is a bucking bronc rider!

Watch out, it's the People's Elbow!

I can almost hear the laughter when I look at this picture.
I love that Ruby's right in the middle of all of this action. 

Sunday morning the boys made ManCakes for us.  Josh did pancakes. 

Luke did sausage. 

Look at this teamwork!  We were so impressed with them! 
Sunday afternoon we went up to Bridger and got the kids' season passes printed.  
Mike and I watched the sledding while we had a beer. Nature's coozy...

They were so much fun to watch!

Ruby ran about 20 miles chasing her boys!
