Sunday, April 30, 2017

baseball and band concert

Luke started baseball this week.  They had "spring training" Monday and Tuesday, this is right before the first one.  

Thursday was the all district band and orchestra concert.  Josh looked sharp!

This is the band half.  So many instruments!  Josh did well, and the music all sounded great.  The band's final performance was Star Wars music! 

Friday Luke's class had a guest artist come teach them how to draw cartoon characters.  Luke said he loves drawing now. 

Saturday was Luke's first team baseball practice and also team pictures.  We love that he has Cub colors for his uniform. 

He kept his baseball pants on all day.  He also did a lot of sliding all day.  He is a pro! 
Josh had two games in Missoula on Saturday.  He got to use his eye black for these sunny games.  

Sunday afternoon we went to Sam's first communion party.  The kids love going to Sam's house because this shed is amazing.  The climb up it and jump off!

Luke liked hanging and playing with the ropes on the swing set frame.  It's a boy heaven type of backyard!

This is Luke's solar system that he made from scratch (just wooden dowels and styrofoam balls) during school at his passion project time.  He worked really hard on it, and did a lot of research on each planet.  He figured out he found 63 pieces of data and put them on a chart.  He even made Saturn's rings out of a paper clip.  

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Silliness, Sports, and Sunshine

This is the newest after school activity. They hide in the recycling bin and then wait for cars to come by.  Once the car is close enough, they jump out to scare the driver.  It's a hoot!

Safety First! 

We went to the bookstore after school one night, and Luke got these three gems.  I love his interest in history and social studies in general. 

Luke wore his suit for picture day, and even combed his hair by himself.  I think that his bangs look a little Bieber-ish, but very cute!  He is petitioning for being able to ride bikes at school. ;) 

Later that day, his class took a trip to the school's garden where they were asked to find a Sit Spot, where they could draw and journal.  Luke picked this beauty of a spot. 

The next day was Wear Orange day to help raise awareness about childhood hunger.  Josh was home sick in the morning, so when he was feeling well enough to go to school at lunch time, he realized he had no orange shirts.  He improvised nicely. 

Saturday was lacrosse day in Bozeman.  Josh is #2 on the right, and Kyler is #1 on the left.  It's so fun to have them on the same team! 

Luke was invited to a Star Wars birthday party.  He's the tallest yoda.  

Josh and Kyler watching Gabe's baseball game.  It was a sporty and sunny Saturday! 

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

Friday Luke's class did Measurement Olympics -- they threw, kicked, dropped, flicked, and spun with cotton balls and then measured the distance with yard sticks.  I don't remember school being this fun. Ever. 

Luke measuring his big throw.  He was intense. 

For his "freestyle" move, he did a golf swing.  

Saturday morning lacrosse -- new snow and 24 degrees.  The snow was so deep that at one point, they lost the *orange* ball in the snow. 

His second game, at 11 AM, was much less snowy.  

After the games, we went to lunch with the Tisdel family at Buffalo Wild Wings.  The boys had wet shoes, so they quickly went home and changed into dry shoes.  Luke opted for his snow boots, which completed a bang-up outfit. 

Saturday we did our egg dying.  

This was Josh's basket from the Easter Bunny.  

Luke's basket was similar...sunglasses and a stuffed bunny. 

The egg hunt was fast and furious.  Josh couldn't be bothered to gather his eggs in a basket, so he snatched up arm loads at a time. 

Luke was running around from egg to egg with his basket. 

Easter church.  I told the boys they had to wear "nice clothes" and by that I meant pants and a shirt that matched and did not have holes.  Luke took the challenge head on and suited up, but Josh complied with the rules just to a T.  He wore shorts under his pants and took the pants off in the 3-minute car-ride home from church. 

Aren't they sweet?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

First Lacrosse Week

Monday Luke told me he "just felt like typing" but he wasn't sure what he wanted to say. This is what he ended up with.  isn't he the sweetest? 

Tuesday night the boys got to spend the night at Aden's house and this is what Aden's mom sent me Wednesday morning.  What a crew!

Wednesday Mike and I flew to Florida for the day -- which is why the boys had to spend the night with a friend. We had a plane party on the way home. We drank all the booze on the plane, and Mike ended up restoring to Jack Daniels for his drinks. 

Thursday the kids had no school, so we spent the entire morning building legos. 

Serious work!

It was the first weekend of lacrosse.  We went to Helena to watch three games.  Josh is in the red socks. 

The rules changed a lot this year, so we had a lot of fun watching...

Josh scored his first goal of the season!  

The new rules meant Josh got a lot of more time with the ball and involvement in the activities. 

Sunday Mike took the boys to Livingston for breakfast.  They were overjoyed. 

So silly!  Luke had the "waker-upper" which fits him just fine. 

Sunday afternoon we went to Ty and Connor Tisdel's birthday party at Laser Dash.  They had glow in the dark face paint!

He look so tough...and so cute!

Hard core!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

All the way up

Friday Fro Yo.  Mike took part of the afternoon off, and we met up at U-Swirl to interview a potential summer babysitter.  Genius plan, right?  
Saturday was a little icy when they first got there, so they spent a bit of time playing fooseball to let the ice melt. I love this shot of Josh and his tongue. 

And this one of Luke's intense face.  
They went up to the Ridge to the Fingers for the first time as a three-some. 

I think they're so hard core hiking like this!

They love it!
A quick rest at the top.
These boys earned this top of the world picture! 
Luke isn't sure that he likes our new washer, it's a little too deep for his liking.