Monday, May 30, 2016


Josh's class picture.  He's in second row from the bottom, wearing his 100 toe tokens. :) 

Last Sunday we went to Bridger Brewing for a Smith River Float planning meeting.  The kids don't get along at all, and we are wondering how we'll do 4 days together. NOT! These three are fast friends and I love it!

Luke is a boss. 

Monday was the anniversary of Kevin Ellerton's passing. We met at Brandi's house for a small tribute, and it ended with a shot of Kraken (ick!) and watching the slide show from the funeral. It was hard, but nice to be with friends and nice to give our sadness a moment.  We still miss him so much!

The rest of the week must have flown by, because the next picture on my camera is from Friday.  Luke had practice on Wednesday, and then not again until the next Wednesday. He decided that was too long to go without playing, so he suited up and played backyard goalie. 

We took several trips to and from the storage units, so the boys got a little extra driving practice.  Josh is tall enough to touch the pedals, so he's learning to be smooth with the gas.  Love the sideways glance!

Luke tried to touch the pedals, but he says he's more of a jerky kind of guy until he grows a little more. Love that!  I love his big smile the second he gets on daddy's lap and grabs the steering wheel!

Sunday we met my parents, who were in Butte for a graduation party, at Canyon Ferry for the first boat day of the year.  Grampa Wright is loving on Luke here.  

The boys are testing the water with their toes. Josh said NO!

They're trying to test, but really it's just very cold. 

Daddy surfed twice -- both with wetsuits!  The water was 59 degrees...

Josh tried his pirate hat slash rope handle for Gramma. 

I tried surfing, just for 2 songs or so, and had fun. I forgot how much fun surfing is and how I wish I could master it! 

Luke's a very ambitious flagger

We were laughing for this one, laughing at the fact that we were cold but happy!

Luke decided he could drive with his feet. He's so cool.

Josh took that as a challenge, and one-upped him with a hang loose sign.  Cool kids!
Ruby found her spot -- she likes the back area a lot. 

This is a complete rarity of a photo. First, we never take photos of my parents and me together, and second I never take a picture in a swim suit.  Unicorn! 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Ruby, Lacrosse and Birthday

Ruby go to go to school twice this Friday. First was at 8:30 to Luke's room.  She was VERY well behaved nad din't even pee on the carpet. 

Then we brought her back at 3:00 for josh's class.  We didn't push our luck with her not peeing her pants, so we brought her to the blacktop.  She was very well behaved and let all 27 kids pet her!
Luke's class picture. 
We had four lacrosse games in Helena this weekend.  It was rainy but warm, and was a lot of fun.  Luke's facing off against this moose of a kid. 

Look at the size of him!  Luke's in the red helmet in the center of the picture, and you almost can't see him behind Moose! 

We took a lunch break between games (and to dry off!) and had Staggering Ox sandwiches.  NUMMY!

Black Luke.  

We had dinner at the Land of Magic in Manhattan, and these boys were wild.  
Sunday they went to a birthday party at the movie theater.  Walker is 7!  They saw Angry Birds, and called it "amazing" and "on a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say 50000).  

Sunday, May 15, 2016

We're Going to Jackson...

Luke's first away games were this weekend in Jackson WY.  He played 6 games (4 Saturday and 2 Sunday) and they won them all.  

Josh's team did well, won their first three games of the season (so now their record is 3-7). He played great!

He's the red guy in the middle with the black shorts with red/white stripes. He played attack (offense) most of the weekend and he did great. 

These two are so funny!  This is the way they posed when we were going to lunch with some teammates. Cocky?  Cute!!

Luke was pretty tired...laid on the ground for a minute even. 

This is Luke (#16 for Joe Montana!) catching a ball...

Here's Josh (the far left red guy...) getting aggressive.

This is my new favorite picture.  

And a close up of his darling little smirk.

He played so good...he did a few face offs and he did great. 

Saturday night many boys in the pool, and then in the hot tub, and eventually at the computer station where they watched you tube videos of lacrosse players.   Die hards!

Luke made his first two goals ever this weekend. Here is one of his shots.  He looks tough. :)
I didn't take any pictures  of the 4 games on Sunday because it was raining hard and it was just too cold to work a camera.  I couldn't resist this photo, though, so I'll leave you with this gem. 

Snow, Music, Fire Trucks, and Movies

Happy Spring!  We got nearly two days of snow this week.  Our poor garden, and our poor trees. We were lucky that we had built a greenhouse, and that our trees weren't too leaved out yet. 

Luke had a spring musical performance Tuesday morning.  It was pretty darn cute.

He's so funny with his little smirk...

He said he had fun but didn't like that we sat in the front row. I loved that part of it because I got to see all the tiny things like when he'd drop his stick or one of the bars would bounce loose. 

Luke's cubscout den went to the fire station for their activity this week.  They were so intent when the fire fighters were explaining about the trucks. 

The fire fighters showed them everything on the ladder truck.  The kids (even Josh!) were eating it up!

Thursday night Josh was sick and didn't go to lacrosse practice, so we watched a movie. I love that they're into the 1990s comedies, so we tried So I Married An Axe Murderer, and it was a hit. This is a picture of Josh intently watching the last part where they chase on the roof in the rainstorm. He is so intense!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Week in Review

Wednesday Josh got meet a sergeant on the police force at cub scouts. They were told to make the hero's a thank you certificate, and Josh wrote a hand written note that simply said "thank you for keeping our town safe." 

Friday morning was the Bike Train to school day.  We met at La Tinga in our neighborhood and rode to school. There were about 30 kids and 5 adults.  This is the principal (she lives in our neighborhood) outlining the safety rules. 

We led the pack, Josh wasn't about to let us not lead, and I loved the view over my shoulder of all these kids. 

Friday night we had a pizza party for Luke's team. It was really fun, and Josh loved his new creation - pizza sandwich. 

Saturday we watched 4 lacrosse games.  Luke was bored for nearly all of that, so eventually he took to photography to pass the time. 

Sunday morning I was treated to hand made gifts from Luke. I love this note so much!
Luke made me this letter and a painting of a beach sunset.

ps. Can you read "when I have a problem you solve it" without starting sing Ice Ice Baby?

Josh made this card for me, and also gave me a painting of a lightning storm and a gift card to amazon (they have everything! he explained), and some chocolates. :) 

After presents we went to the Mother's Day 5K--everyone agreed willingly to run in it!  

I love how big their shirts are!

This is pre-race, when Luke claimed he would run.  

Turned out he ran about 1/2 mile maybe, and then walked the rest under extreme defiance.  Poor Mike!  

He wouldn't even run across the finish line. His stubbornness is shocking sometimes. 

This kid!  He ran super fast -- he finished in 27:55, good enough for 2nd in his age group!  I tried to keep up with him, but my achilles was giving me trouble, so I decided to just run with my friend Anika.  I knew I didn't have the patience to walk with Luke, so Anika was the perfect solution! I'm so proud of Josh, he just loves to run. :)