Saturday, February 27, 2016

The end of a season

Science Fair 2016 was a big success!  Josh and his friend, Aden, did a series of egg dropping experiments to see which would be most successful at keeping an egg from breaking. They started this in October, and made a 34-minute video of their drops.  They were so excited about it on Thursday, Science Fair night. They did every single thing by themselves, zero parental assistance.  (woop whoop!)

Luke's question was "how does the size of the ball affect my shot?" and he found that he made more baskets with a  regular sized ball than with a mini-ball. He did everything himself, I just helped with the graphs. 

Isn't his teacher the cutest? 

Friday between Luke's dismissal and Josh's dismissal we got Luke new shoes. He is truly convinced that he can run faster and jump higher.  I love this age. 

Friday I hung out with my artist friend, Amber, and we painted this.  I did most of it but she made it pretty...that's the trick that I just don't know how to do yet.  Keep trying...

Luke's last basketball game was Saturday.  He played well and it looked like he had a blast. 

Super funny running form.  Love the slack hands. :) 

This must be the intense running form...hustling down the court. 

Fast break Luke. He loves to steal the ball and take it down for a basket. 

He made a bunch of baskets, maybe 4-5, this week. 

Love his form, the kick is really awesome. 

Passing it in.

Another fast break shot

He plays suffocating defense...

Hands up...and he's so tall...hard to shoot over this. 

He likes playing, which is fun to watch!

His hacking defense...wasn't going to let that guy score untouched. 

Mike calls them the Twin Towers.  Rogan and Luke are both in 1st grade and both great players. 

Again with the hands up-suffocating defense.

This is subtle, but I love his right hand down to where the guy is looking to can't teach that. :) 

End of game huddle, love the little boys in a group.

Luke was nearly more excited about the cookie than the game. 


Luke was asked to smile and show his cookie, so this is what we got. 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

My little fishies

The boys have been taking swim lessons for the last week so they can be a little more ready to play in the ocean in Florida.   They go to the Ridge, and they love to get their early to play.  I usually swim too, but today I decided to sit out and capture some moments.  I love the brothers smiling.

Luke's goggles are a little screwy, just like him. :) 

How does Josh have alfalfa hair in the water?  I love love love his crazy hair. 

Josh had lessons first, so Luke played over on the side by himself.  He is working on treading water, and apparently playing football. 

Josh is frustrated that the teacher is making him "slow down" but it's good stuff.  Josh has a wicked dolphin kick. 

Taking it all in...

And this is how Josh spends his time while Luke is in his lesson.  In the warm pool (duh!), playing football. He later threw the ball far away, and then swam for it working on his skills.  I couldn't ask him to do that, but I love it. 

Luke's working on side to side and breathing, super important.

I LOVE the gaping open mouth. 

 So focused.

Around the house

Happy Valentine's Day from Josh!  We made candies on Monday (day late, but we don't care) and Josh took over the process.  He made several inventive combinations. 

My favorite thing was the dipped strawberries. 

We each got a row of strawberries.  Amazing!

These are some of Josh's creations -- some swirly, some strawberries in the candy molds!

Wednesday night was Blue and Gold Night for Cub Scouts.  I always wondered why we do this mid-year, but it's because it's the cub scout's birthday. 

Luke's pack is huge!  They had to line up right a the beginning, and recite the Scouts Oath and Motto.

He took his job very seriously.

Love the scouts sign -- the two fingers up, the serious faces. 

The Tigers (Luke's den) did a skit about the invisible bench.  Luke and his friend were the first two out.

Now they're all on the bench.  Pretty soon they all fell onto the floor. 

Josh got his badges from the summer camp.  All bid'ness

Josh's homework.  Oh my GOD I love this so much.  When asked if he could spend the afternoon with a member of his extended family and why, Josh answered "I would do it with my uncle John.  I like spending time with him because he likes to have fire in his front yard, and he would dump gasoline in the wood then use a flame thrower to light it up.  And he likes to be outside."  I truly cannot wait to hear back from his teacher.  All of it's true, but we don't like to exactly advertise  the flame thrower situation. :) 

Another basketball game.  Luke scored 24 points this game.  He was all over the place, rebounding and stealing and crazy hustling.  

Saturday the boys hooked up the Rock Band and busted some AC/DC out (that's why Luke's wearing the hat!).  

can you hear Luke saying "Thun-Der!!!" ?? 
His tiny voice, the two handed microphone hold, the's too much. 

Who's concentrating harder -- Mike or Josh? 

No pictures MOM!!