Sunday, July 26, 2015

Family Fun Night

Josh is a totally crazy golf cart driving!  He loves it!  He has to stand up to reach the pedals, so he seriously stands on it when he's in charge!

Me and my golf buddy. :)  Daddy and Luke golfed together, but I didn't take this picture of them. Oops, maybe next time. 

Go Bucks!

We caught the Bozeman Bucks' last home game Saturday.  It was so nice out, and so nice to sit down after being busy all day.  The boys will not smile, and it makes me sad. They were having a good time, I promise! 

Luke had a chili dog with nacho cheese on the side, which he decided tasted better on his finger than with chili.  Crazy kid.

Josh got a foul ball within minutes of our arrival.  So lucky!  He loves souvenirs. We even won a pie from a free raffle!  We are super lucky!

Milk Jugs This is Your Notice!

We had a nice low key weekend of tackling our To Do List around the house, and the boys were bored of that. They decided to break out the bows and try to kill a milk jug. 

Josh got it!  First hit of the jug, and it was a doozie!

Check out this shot. 

This is what we worked on Saturday.  We re-stained the bar, and we added the cupboard and shelf to the back.  The bar is open for business now!  

Happy Birthday Mikey!

For Mike's birthday he was out of town so we celebrated the day before at Rio Sabinas.  We saw that they give free desserts and sombreros for birthdays, so we were all in! 

It's such a happy hat!

Some friends at work decorated his office for when he returned to town.  We loved the signs.  There was one that said "Danger: 40 Year Old Working" 

And here is the only picture from the Birthday Float.  We floated the Yellowstone River with Tim, Amber, and Josie Blazina.  We camped on the river at a sandy island, and we had ourselves a grand old time.  I was so careful with my phone the whole trip, but as I was walking the boat to the trailer (so the last minute of the trip, literally!) I had it in my pocket and it got submerged. I came out of it pretty lucky, but I did lose all of the pictures from the weekend. 

Safety First

Luke put on this get up - the 100% All American Safety Gear -- for a quick trip on the skateboard. 

Later in the night he added shin guards for a wagon ride. 

Please note the kick board stuck up the lifejacket, which is wrapped around his legs.  Serious stuff. 

Can't help but smile at the hardcore task at hand. 

I love this missing tooth smile!

Aaaannnd, he's ready!

Good thing he was geared up for this wagon ride!  They did all kinds of wheelies and sharp turns. 

I love this one, blurry as ever but it shows Luke's recoil forward after hitting the ground. :)
Later in the night it was Josh's turn. 
Serious as ever.  He upped the game with a mouth guard.

Choppin' Brocoli!

Luke grew this giant broccoli in the garden!  He was SO proud of it! 

It's bigger than his head!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Football Fanatics

Josh asked me a while ago if he could have a 49ers bedroom.  I love a good project, so of course I was all in!  Here is the final product.

I love the clutter free dresser, but I know it's just a matter of time until it becomes Josh-ized. 

He wants to put curtains up to make the dormer a mini-mancave.  I like it how it is. We'll see...

That's Daddy's jersey hanging on the wall.  I love that Josh likes Jerry Rice and Joe Montana. 

Luke said it was unfair that he didn't get Seahawks stuff, so I got him a Fathead of Marshawn Lynch.  It's HUGE -- reading "life sized" doesn't really prepare you for what 6' of football player looks like on a wall. 

I let him pick where to put the other stickers, and although part of me is cringing at the willy-nilly way he chose, part of me likes his random style. After all, I don't have to sleep there. :) 

Even the door was not safe. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up

These goofballs asked Kara to take them to Catcus Records downtown -- a store famous for being a little weird.  They found this mask and want it for the house. uh, no. 

They also went to the Pioneer Museum downtown, and appropriately took a picture of them locked in jail.

Luke lost his first front tooth.  Fifth tooth in all, but first top.  So exciting!

Dad was out of town so we sent him these pictures. :) 

Somehow, while making lemonade stands, Luke got a blue sharpie mark on his neck.  How does this happen?  I asked him to wash it off in the shower, and then said he would if he could have a picture of it. He remembered half way through his shower that we still needed to take the picture.
P.s. i have no idea how he got those nasty stretches on his shoulder blade, but I have a feeling they are fingernail marks and somehow related to the marker incident.  Sigh. 

Wednesday I did something I"ve been meaning to do for a while -- do a evening beer run.  The running company in town hosts these free 5K-ish distance runs that end at a brewery monthly.  It was so fun and definitely something I'd like to do again.  

in our free time we've been redecorating Josh's bedroom.  We're freshening up his tan walls, and he was all about helping paint.  

I love my little helper. 

Boys carrying lumber.  I love it. 

We went camping at the Madison river for the weekend.  The boys set their crawfish traps and checked them first thing Sunday morning. To their delight, there were two crawfishes waiting for them.  Josh's was called Seven Legs because he had a dangling leg that Josh pulled off. 

Gabe's crawfish was called Snappy because he was very aggressive with his claws. 

Poor Seven Legs posed with Josh for about 10 of these pictures -- and he kept falling off Josh's shoulder before we could snap.  

The boys were entertained for hours with crawfish.  

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Luke pretty much summed up our feelings about camping at Canyon Ferry for the holiday weekend.

We had a beautiful full moon (or close at least) for our first night of camping.  

Luke says its not a camping trip without a fireside photo of him sitting on dad's lap.  We've done this yearly, and it's been a fun tradition. 

My little pyro.  With Ruby close by.  

Friday we set out on the boat with our sun shielding hats.  

This is the camp we left behind.  We are the far left, and we camped with 4 of these families.  The other 4 on the right are friends of a friend/coworker -- we had a lot of fun!

Mike is a good enough surfer that he could take the boys on the board with him.  Josh LOVED it! 

There were moments of doubt...

and some of fear...(look at how tightly Josh is holding onto daddy's leg!)

But he loved it, really he did.

No rope!  That's how they fell without hurting themselves.  And they got to truly surf with no rope for a bit...very cool. 

Luke was up next, and he was a bit more tentative than Josh. 

Very quickly he got really scared and then wanted to stop.  He is crying and asking daddy to throw the rope, his fingers are almost to the nose plugging position.  Poor guy.

We somehow convinced him to try it again. He looked like he was having a lot more fun this time!

Even felt comfortable enough for the hang loose sign!

he's still kind of concerned, but mostly enjoying it. 

This is toward the end. It's a nice half smile/half scared expression.

And we have the nose-plugging position. Ha ha ha - he's pretty subtle isn't it? 

This is our view from the window of our camper.  the lake was like glass for two days, but turned nasty on Saturday night. I like this view of our little floaty "relaxation station" and Ben's boat a lot! 

Derek and Lisa brought the boys' jeep and Luke enjoyed driving Connor around.  It looks like they both liked it. 

Josh and Ty were buddies all weekend. 

Lisa took this picture of our flag hanging from our trailer.  I love this. 

And the boys doing smoke bombs in the fire pit.  They did snaps and smoke bombs. 

Josh is such a nice boy. He's so sweet to the littlers and it makes me so happy and proud.