Sunday, April 27, 2014

Fast Week!

Our week was fast!  We had Gramma and Grampa Harley here until Tuesday, and Gramma and Grampa Wright came to visit on Friday.  We're so lucky to have such wonderful grandparents!

During a run with her friend Chip, Ruby cut her foot (paw/leg area) and had to have two stitches.  She was NOT impressed with the plastic bag we had to put on her foot whenever she went outside.  Thank goodness that was only 3 days worth of torture. 

Friday was School Carnival night, and the boys did the Photo Booth with props.  Luke was being so silly! 

Josh and Gabe got pink hair as part of an elaborate disguise to hide from some girls. Oh my, is this really happening? 
Do you think they could be cuter?  

Luke got red and black camouflage, and he looked tough. He sure didn't like the the process at all. 

Then face painting and the prize room.  This was one decked out kid! 

Saturday we went swimming with the Wrights, and then to the mall for a minute.  I wonder how old they'll be when they don't like to ride on the tractors in the mall.  

Fuddruckers for lunch with my mom's aunt. I gave each kid 12 quarters, and Josh saw immediately that this could money in his wallet if he "saved" it.  So he played patiently for the entire lunch, no games for this guy. 

Luke, however, spent all 12 of his quarters before lunch arrived.  One of his "prizes" was a kicking' mustache.  We called him Mario.
And before we knew it, it was Sunday morning and the Wrights were gone.  Sad.

Monday, April 21, 2014

The rest of the weekend...

Gramma and Grampa Harley got a big, big story about Disneyland from Luke. Obviously the hat was necessary. 

Luke was so tired on Saturday night, he just fell asleep on the couch listening to his music.  Sweet baby Lucas.

Luke got to go to the Children's Museum with Gramma on Monday. He was so happy!
I went to Missoula on Friday to do the Grizzly Tirathlon on Saturday. It was my best race ever, I finished 15 minutes faster than I was hoping and I am kind of still on a little endorphin high.  My parents surprised me at the finish line, what a treat! 

Easter Morning

We let Luke sleep in on Sunday, so Josh had about an hour to scout the house and make his game plan for the fastest way to get the most eggs. This is him in his area of high concentration. Intense.

Luke just giggled every time he found an egg, and laughed when his basket got full. 

Gramma and Grampa Harley were here for the weekend, so Luke got some help with the high ones. Josh, well who needs help when you're this awesome? 

Ruby got in on the action too.  What a sweet girl. 

Easter Eggs

Josh dyed his eggs Saturday night, and predictably took it very seriously.  He used the white crayon on all of his eggs so he'd know which were his during the egg hunt. 

Serious Sam

Luke dyed his eggs Thursday night, and was more quick about his eggs. He just kind of wanted the fastest way to get this task completed. 

He did 6 eggs, in 5 colored cups.  Quite a process. 

He did concentrate a lot...he used the crayon on one egg. 

Ta da!

Ty's House

Friday afternoon the boys hung out with Ty and Connor while I drove to Missoula.  Josh had to show off his new BMX helmet, and Ty was super happy to play bikes in the driveway with them.  He was happy to show off his Lellow Helmet. :) 

I can only imagine the conversations these two had on their "jeep" ride. 


We're so happy it's warming up around here. Josh wants to get into BMX riding, so we've been riding to Dinosaur Park pump track a bunch.  It's fun for all of us, including Ruby.  
The boys take a "track" that does't work for Ruby and I because it's along a paved road for too long. Ruby's not a fan of the sidewalks, she's a trail kind of girl. 

He's in his dirty little heaven.

Luke was so excited to wear shorts!  He got a mustache tattoo that lasted for three days.  We called him Kitty Lukey for a day or so...

He doesn't mind that BMX track at all.  I'm shocked because he just started riding without training wheels on Labor Day last year.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Friday the Ryles' kids joined the Jenkins' boys to go see if any snakes were out at the creek across the street.  They played out there for hours.  No snakes, but plenty of adventure nonetheless. 
Josh climbed this tree several times, and spent at least 3 hours in this exact spot.  Little monkey man.
Signs of Spring!  Tiny little brave flowers.

Sunday we had more outside fun, Luke had his little friend Lucas from daycare come play.  Peas in a pod!
The boys have gotten into Legos lately, so Friday morning they made their own little inventions.  This is Josh's space mountain-like roller coaster car.
Luke's creation was a Radiator Springs Racer car that can do corkscrews.