Sunday, February 23, 2014

Jumpers and Skiers

Josh was at the Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser on Saturday, and here he is in rare from jumping over the hurdles.

Luke jumped for 2 hours too...his form was equally entertaining.

Later that day we had a fun time with board games.  Luke was being a zombie in this picture. goof.

Mike and Josh took Ruby for a quick walk yesterday.  She's growing so fast.
Josh got new skis this week. Twin tips so he can do tricks.  Imagine the possibilities.

Sunday they went over to the playground across the street, where someone had built a ski jump.  Josh tried out his new skis and Luke sledded, then they came home for hot cocoa.

Cub Scout Banquet

We had the annual blue and gold banquet for cub scouts last week. Josh posed so seriously on the crossover bridge.  Why the long face?

As soon as he thinks I'm not going to catch it, he's all smiles.

Museum of the Rockies

Monday was a holiday for school, so the three of us had a nice home day.  We hit the museum for a fun time. This is our selfie from the new planetarium. 

I love how long and silly the boys look in this picture.  They can't pass this native American chair without sitting on it.  Together.
Luke thought he was pretty hot stuff with his sticker on his forehead. I think he's a goof.

This week we went to check out the gecko exhibit and Luke made a hand puppet otter (named Steve).

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Super Silly Shots

This silly picture is the "before" picture for their hair cut pictures.  We got fro-yo while we waited for our appointments at Cost Cutters.  Luke was in a super silly mood.

Speaking of super silly, this is the pose that Josh struck when I asked him if I could take a picture of him in his robe. 

Luke was similarly enthusiastic.  (These robes are so fun!  John and Dacia gave them to the boys for Christmas, and the boys wear them after their showers.  I love this fuzzy tradition!)

Little Skiers

Graduation day!  The boys finished their ski lessons today!

My little graduates!
They got to ride the chairlift together last week.  My heart is melting!


Luke making it under the hoop. 

For graduation they got cookies with their "diplomas"

Luke got to pose with Mogle Mouse (the program they're in is called Mogul Mice...). "Don't worry, it's just an instructor in a mask," Luke told me.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sledding Perfection

We got a bunch of new snow, and it was sunny and 10 degrees, so off to the sledding hill we go!
We met Josh's friend, Jack, at the hill. Jack brought this tube, which was fun for a while..
Until the two boys decided to ride together.  Then it popped.

Then the boys decided to start taking the jump.  Luke never changed his strategy, face first on his belly, and he got some big air!

He loved it!
He landed all the jumps pretty safely, until the very last one.  (He hurt his arm, but he's OK now...)
Josh experimented with his approach, his sled and his body positions...all for fun results!





He got really good at timing it, and would pull his sled up at just the right time for optimum air.