Sunday, September 29, 2013

Rainy Poo Cucky Soccer


Luke's soccer game this Sunday was right in the middle of a very chilly rain storm. He didn't seem to mind, though, and played well/had tons of fun. (he's on the left in this picture...)
Luke's running form makes me smile.  I love that he's wearing a red glove and a green glove, with a bobcats hat and a soccer uniform.  And rocking it, I might add.

Josh and I huddled under a blanket (Josh called it an igloo) and were thankful that the coaches did a half-length game.

Goof balls

Walmart for us

A while ago Gramma and Grampa Wright sent the boys each a gift card to Walmart. Today was the day that we finally got to go spend our hot cash.
We agonized over the selections, and finally decided on these gems.
Josh got Monopoly Empire.  It's actually super cool and very fun.

Luke chose this "set" as he calls them. He has another one of these that he just loves.  No he has two "guys" and two lanterns and two dogs, but this one is a Golden Retriever. (obviously...)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bear Lake Utah

 Luke and I drove to Bear Lake, Utah for the weekend. We met Hilerie and her husband, Kenny. Kenny and I did a triathlon Saturday morning, but the rest of the weekend was just camping and enjoying each others' company.

Luke had a nice nap in the car.  That is a walkie talkie in his lap -- he was talking to me in the front seat with it.  I didn't have one up there, it was just fun to talk through.  This road trip took us 8 hours and that sweet Lukey never once complained. 
Friday after we (finally) arrived, Luke got some much needed fresh air and playing in the dirt time. He was making a pit for me, a kind and generous gift indeed. The blurry rock was his digging tool.

Saturday after the triathlon (I had a huge 6 minute PR and was thrilled with how fun of a race it was, and Kenny got third in his age group!), we all took naps and had a lazy afternoon fishing.  Hilerie's kids are getting so big -- Emily just turned 12 and Ty just turned 10.  This sun soaked sitting on the sandy shores was a lovely way to spend the afternoon!

Boys Weekend

While Luke and I were in Utah this weekend, Josh and Daddy took some time to be real men. 
First they set up the wall tents in the backyard and got it waterproofed and ready for the big fall outing.
They went jeeping up in the Bridgers and saw a bear! It followed them up the road, which was both scary and awesome at the same time according to both Mike and Josh.

They found some super cool caves to explore.


I think Josh was in his own personal heaven.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Luke's first soccer game was this Sunday. He was so thrilled to be there and to be able to play in front of both sets of grandparents.  He was running around like a wild man for warm ups.

Luke modeling his new uniform shirt

Gotta have the tongue out to play your best!

Look at that form--he's a natural!

He ran his little tail off, and smiled the whole time (well, when his tongue wasn't out...)

He and Lucas (the red head next to him) were the stars (in my humble opinion) and so this is a cute picture of the two of them bringing the ball downfield.

Look at that serious the hunt!

He scored three goals.  This is the arm motion for Oh Yeah!

And then he walked away with all the swagger in the world.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

Fish On!

We went to Gabe's lucky fishing hole on Sunday night.  It was a gorgeous night.

Ady was talking to herself, moving her arm around telling part of her story...

Just as we were heading home, Ady's pole caught a fish.  Look at that smile!!

Everyone wanted to hold it...Gabe was thrilled that his fishing hole didn't disappointed us.

Campfire Fun

Since we had the boat from 7 AM until 1 PM, we did a crappy job with sunscreen on our kids.  Poor Joshy had a lot of sun and a lot of bug bites.  But he was happy enough to give me his "photo" smile while he was whittling his marshmallow stick. 

Luke was SO proud of his marshmallow roasting stick.  

Josh called in the big guns (dad) to help him get the marshmallow stick just perfect. 

Luke was so happy to roast his own marshmallows on his own stick...

Every year for the last 3 years we've had a picture of these two camping...this year their smiles are bigger than usual....could have something to do with what's in that cup and what's in Luke's hand. :) 

Tubing is Terrific

The kids loved tubing.  We had two different groups -- the daredevils and the ones who didn't want any bumps.  These pictures aren't great, but they show some of the big huge smiles that we got to see on our favorite kids' faces. 

Tom and Mike rode together and Mike got cocky and tried to do a little position didn't last long before he turned around feet first.  

Kevin and Derek were trying to knock each other off the tube...Derek won.  

Hebgen Lake

What a gorgeous lake to spend Labor Day weekend enjoying.  We rented a pontoon boat for 1/2 a day Saturday, and we had a grand ol' time with it.

That's Captain Gabe to you, ma'am.

Luke got cuddled up nicely by Lisa.  

These kids make me happy -- look at that bum line up. :) 

Connor and Ty agreed that the boat was a darn good time.