Sunday, January 27, 2013

Phone Dump

I have been bad about using a real camera for capturing our daily activities. But, I'm good about taking phone pictures. Bad, blurry, poorly lit ones.  Here are some representatives for your viewing pleasure.
We HAD to have these silly St. Pat's Hats.  The boys can pull them over their whole heads, so there has been a lot of playing "run around with a sack on your head."

I introduced Josh to the fine world of Pinterest, and we made these jet packs the other day. When I asked if I could take a picture of the finished product, this is the pose they busted out for me.

Sunday Luke and I had a date afternoon.  We went to Costco for the free samples, then the library and then the museum of the rockies.  We camped, hunted, enjoyed Old Faithful, you name it we did it. 

The library was a bit more focused -- we played with the toys on the shelf.  We played cars, people, animals, and finally settled into building a city with small colorful blocks.  Luke basically designed this fortress/city. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Little Fishies

Josh is so happy to be in swimming lessons. He really wants to learn how to swim flat and in a straight line. 
His diving form is impeccable.

I have some questions as to his concentration level. He seems to be screwing around a lot...

Or maybe I should be happy that he's having fun!

Luke also loves his swim lessons, but he has no real need to learn to swim flat. He likes kicking and bobs and jumping in the best. 

This is a four photo series of him learning "the star fish float."  I can't stop laughing at how rigid he looks.  I guess his goal should be to get comfortable in the water. 

Best In Show

Our first Pinewood Derby race was a success!  Josh won Best In Show for his den, and had a great time racing!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

We Have a SKIER!!

We enrolled Josh in skiing lessons at Bridger this year.  Being 6 1/2 years old, he's off to a VERY late start for Bozeman standards, and a super early start for the rest of the world.  He rocked it!  He was a great listener and caught on quickly. (for the record, he's in 21.5 shoes and on 112 cm skis.  Too cute!)

We're already ready for next week!