Sunday, February 26, 2012

We Got A Hoop!

Gramma and Grampa Wright were here this weekend and bought us a basketball hoop!  Josh could not be happier!  We played for hours outside in the cold Sunday weather, imagine how much fun this will be when it's warm!
Daddy helped the boys dunk!

Josh had just made FIVE in a row before I came out with the camera!  He's so silly!

He's gonna kill me for this one, but I can't help but post this blurry picture of Josh's crazy concentration!  

This picture warms my heart. Smiling as he's shooting...aww.

Daddy's blocking for him -- what a good dad!
This is Luke's dunk.  Luke plays awesome defense -- it's better with a video -- but he's gonna be a baller I just know it!

Snowy Walk

The boys and I walked to Gabe's house last weekend, after our fresh snowfall, and they were sneaking up behind me.

This picture makes me smile -- the mountains are gorgeous, Luke's only as tall as the bridge railings, and I asked him to look at me and intead he's brushing the snow into the river instead.  I love it!

Here they're playing follow the leader.  Who knows what either one of them is doing!

Snowball Fight!

Daddy and Luke had a snowball fight -- nice shot daddy, it looks like you aimed at Luke's head!

Better watch out daddy, Luke's getting ready for a retaliation!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Silly Mall Pictures

Daddy took the boys to the mall specifically to take photo-booth pictures for me for Valentine's Day. They're as silly as you could ever hope for, and something I will cherish forever. Thank you boys!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dino Park

We took a trip to Dinosaur Park this afternoon.  A little snow and 16-degree weather never stop us. 

He thinks we should go that way.

I can't help it, I just love this face.

Something BIG was happening here, not sure what this is all about, but it makes me smile.

Josh was actually cooperating with the camera -- love this smile.

What a daredevil he is.

Two posed smiles in one day, lucky me!

It would not be a complete post without a Josh Concentrating Picture.  This kid takes his playing seriously.

Have Bikes Will Ride

We rode bikes in the driveway one night after work this week. The boys were so happy to get outside!

OOOH....Luke found a broom on our boulevard.  I like this picture because he's standing on his pedals and because it illustrates his short attention span.

This picture made the blog because he is in full-on fiddly fart mode.  On a bike.

This is Driving -- can you just hear his little engine roaring?
Josh only let me take his picture when he was doing something awesome, like racing or going through the brown grass. He takes this all so seriously.

My little fishies

Luke thinks jumping in is the best part of swimming lessons!

Kicking like a motor boat is his other favorite thing to do.

Dancing on the steps is another favorite...

Josh is so ready to learn to swim, he's just jumping in with both feet. And sinking.

Where'd Who Go?

 He is taking this so seriously, I wonder if he thinks we're timing him.

Excellent form, from the cheeks to the knees.

I know these pictures are blurry, but I absolutely love his form.